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295 weeks ago

Revolver Online Free

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a5c7b9f00b After seven years in solitary, Jake Green is released from prison. In the next two years, he amasses a lot of money by gambling. He's ready to seek his revenge on Dorothy (Mr. D) Macha, a violence-prone casino owner who sent Jake to prison. He humiliates Macha in front of Macha's lieutenants, leaves, and keels over. Doctors tell him he has a rare disease and will die in three days; Macha also puts a hit out on him. Loan sharks, Zack and Avi, demand Jake's cash and complete fealty in return for protection. Jake complies, and through narration and flashbacks, we watch him through at least three days of schemes, danger, and redemption. Who is his greatest enemy?
Gambler Jake Green enters into a game with potentially deadly consequences.
Was convincing the world that he didn&#39;t exist…<br/><br/>This is a line that is probably remembered by a lot of people. It&#39;s from The Usual Suspects of course in relation to Kaiser Gold..I mean Sose..<br/><br/>I got another one like that: -The dumbest trick a director ever pulled was trying to convince an audience he actually had a storyline-<br/><br/>This movie is one of the saddest pieces of film-making I have seen in a long time. It starts out so well, with really fantastic cinematography, great acting and a very smart premise. But alas, the only way this movie is heading is on a course of self-destruction. And it does so, not by a single blow but with nagging little wrist-cuts.<br/><br/>Pay no attention to the comments here that marvel at the fact that they found a way to explain this donut. With enough booze in my brain I would probably be capable of explaining the very existence of mankind to a very plausible degree. I have seen and read about a dozen totally different ways people explained the story. And they vary from a story set totally in someones head, playing chess with himself, to a cunning way for a criminal to play out his enemies by means resembling chess gaming.<br/><br/>And that&#39;s all jolly swell. But at the same time it is a painful giveaway that there is something terribly wrong with this story. And apart from that, it is in any case a blunt rip off of a score of movies and books like &quot;Fight Club, Kill Bill, Casino, The Usual Suspects, Snatch, Magnolia and Shachnovelle. And we are not dealing with kind borrowing here, it&#39;s a blatant robbery.<br/><br/>What ultimately goes wrong here in this movie is that the storyline swirls like a drunk bum on speed. If this movie was a roller-coaster ride, you&#39;d have crashed into the attraction next to it shorty after take off. There are so many twists in this movie which will never be resolved, that if it was a cocktail, you&#39;d be needing a life supply of hurl-buckets to work of the nausea after drinking it. Nothing is ever explained and when you finally get some grasp of the direction you think it&#39;s going, you get pulled in yet another one.<br/><br/>I guess this story wasn&#39;t going anywhere on paper and Ritchy must have thought that is was awesome to make a movie out of it anyway, being the next David Lynch or something.<br/><br/>1/10 for totally violating one&#39;s own work (Ritchy: seek professional help). What could have easily been a gem instead becomes a contrived art-piece, food for pseudo intellectuals to debate on at sundayafternoon debating-clubs. <br/><br/>Spare your soul and stomach, avoid at all cost!
stop comparison, this is a movie on its one and its a good one. Its a movie that needs to be seen (at least) three times to get a good judgment. I think Richie pulled himself to an higher level making this starts a little slow but with an upcoming tension that bursts in an explosion of questions you&#39;re brain just can&#39;t answer. With a mind-blowing order of different actions joy get sucked up in the story.<br/><br/>With all my expectations after the two masterpieces Snatch and lock stock I&#39;m surprised! he got me! good movie, nice cam work, top-acting by Jason Statham.<br/><br/>I&#39;m not going to tell joy about the content. its way to complex to make it short. just watch, enjoy, watch again and enjoy even more! Well done Richie Rene From Holland
Surprise of surprises, Revolver turns out to be worse than "Swept Away" - and not just by a little bit.

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